Friday, November 04, 2005

That hidden place

In my dream, I found a small wallet-like objet made of thin blue leather forgotten between some papers or stuck in the leaves of a book. Opening as a triptyque showing a medieval illuminure : two profile portraits of my ex-husband and me, in medallions surrounded by glorious golden / red / blue swirls. This document was our prenuptial agreement. What was this agreement ? I was brought back to my original love for this man, of our love for each other before things went so wildly wrong. A step towards forgiveness & remembrance.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

this night...

... dreaming of you, waiting for you ...


Sunday, October 09, 2005

à travers le miroir

Jacob Epstein, Étude pour homme et femme, 1913-1915

... et je serai une nymphomane pour toi dans ton empire des sens où tout est plaisir...
... En chacun de nous les chemins secrets qui mènent vers cette alchimie d'ivresse "d'es-sence"...
... respect, écoute en sont souvent la clé pour effleurer, l'autre l'embrasser, d'esprit et de charnel dans son entier...;) ...chuuut!!!...Close your eyes, open your mind to see behind you the shadow on the mirror...;)

Nue devant mon miroir, j'allume des bougies et de l'in_sense... je murmure une incantation et je te vois apparaître, ombre noir à mes côtés...j'ai encore le goût suave de ta rosée dans mon esprit...... je me vois en statuette africaine, les jambes écartés devant le miroir, suspendu dans tes bras....
...Mmmmm il était agréable de voir combien tu as pris plaisir à te regarder était agréable de lire dans tes yeux cette douce surprise, ta douce émotion de te voir m'offrir tout cela, de t'offrir cela dans l'élan de notre matinée suave...

...fermes les yeux un instant et embrasses-moi de ton esprit....;)
j'aime être sous ton emprise, je suis soumise à tes volontés sensuels !
j'adore te voir sous l'emprise de mon regard j'aime ta douce soumission à mes mouvements...

... la vertige de la tige !

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

about my love affair with Brancusi

... the secret of Princesse X ...

Femme se regardant dans un miroir vue de dos (1909)
Vue d'atelier : Princesse X (1915-1916) 

photographies : Constantin Brancusi
© legs Brancusi, 1957, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, Mnam-Cci.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

down from the mountain

... coming down from the mountain, so vulnerable & open, I feel so fragile. Layers peeled away to a soft core. Easing myself gently back into my urban life after two weeks of a yoga retreat in la Sierra de las Nieves.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

éloge in Bora-Boro

... well you see, I've been livin' in the XVIII° for quite a long time now, and would ya believe it but the infamous Mr. Boronali used to live just right up the block from me, and yet we never met. We were even on that same 80 bus, never at the same time... (he wrote about that bus, he just loathed it, or loved it... ya can read about it, but ya gotta know french because he's like French & everything...)
When I finally met him in Tchernobyl last winter, he showed me this drawing of his little dog Twiggy... a strange feeling crept over me ... I had a flashback... and yes,
I swear I remember seeing that dog as Boro swept out of a specialty shop in the neighborhood one winter : the dog, the leash, his shoe, the bottom of his overcoat (he's very well-dressed, or used to be !). A handsome man, with his dog & ex-girlfriend... that was the very first time I saw him.

Sunday, August 21, 2005