As he wanted, I wore no panties to our lunch date.
Allure, his perfume, so intoxicating. The emotion, tenderness in his gestures, our excitement at being together, amoureux… I’m surprised at the extent of his romantisme, and I know it’s sincere.
After lunch, we try to think of a café with dark corners, but they’re all quite full and busy at the lunch hour. We drift towards the Centre de Beaugrenelle, walking in the deserted corridors of the closed mall, past small groups of people here & there, sounds of footsteps echoing from time to time.
Drifting on, looking for an isolated corner, finally finding a dark shadow behind a pillar in the middle of an isolated corridor.
I lean into the shadows as he asks me to raise my dress. He gets down on his knees to inspect my respect for his rules… caressing and licking me, standing, kissing me — I’m on tiptoes he’s so tall. He holds me so tightly, putting my hand into his pants to feel how hard and big he is. I’m caressing him as best I can within the tightness of his pants that he then unbuckles so I can suck him. I get on my knees, my lips open so he can slide in… it’s furtive…
Standing again, kissing & caressing me — his firm hands on my shoulders, il me serre contre sa poitrine until we hear approaching voices & we put ourselves back together again, walking off slowly in these corridors, his arms around me. More tiptoe kisses until we reach the exit in front of Monoprix where we say goodbye & go our way.
Walking back, the wind is freezing and strong — I’m sure to look disheveled.
“Ça va ?”, ma collègue me demande.
Subject: Re: Beaugrenelle
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 18:56:35 +0100
Ma perverse Princesse,
Je ne passerai plus devant ce sinistre centre de Beaugrenelle sans me souvenir de...
J'ai gardé -encore- ton odeur sur ma main pendant mon rdv de cet après-midi. C'était fort agréable et très troublant...
Je t'embrasse
— with Phallus —