Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A mean muthafuka - VF

Le Marquis-Noir m'ordonne de m'offrir à un jeune homme après que je le flagelle.

Quand il est entré dans le club portant son T-shirt noir, j'ai pensé : "ce mec ne sait rien". Des flashes d'alarmes psychiques clignotaient autour de lui et je voyais la vibration d'une aura blanche m'avertissant.
Il est nerveux caché sous son masque et il fait l'erreur de toucher les poids sur la chaîne que tu m'as mis entre mes lèvres labiales. "C'est lourd?" il me demande, et tu viens me protéger, lui disant qu'il doit demander d'abord avant de toucher.
Cependant, tu le provoques plus tard, me disant de m'asseoir en ouvrante encore plus mes cuisses puisqu'il veut regarder, assis devant de moi. Je ne le regardes pas, je m'en fous de lui derrière son masque.
Pendant ce goûter, tu m'as demandé demandé de switcher, et j'ai déjà flagellé deux hommes et une femme quand ce jeune homme demande ta permission d'être flagellé aussi. C'est-à-dire, il me le demande au moment où je remets le martinet de nouveau à Ôda, et nous lui disons tous les deux qu'il doit te demander. Je suis surprise que tu l'accordes.
Je prends les deux martinets et je l'emmène à l'étage. Tu arrives rapidement et tu t'assois dans le fauteuil au coin pour nous observer. Il descende de son pantalon un peu, mais je lui dis de le laisser tomber à ses chevilles. Tu l'encourages. Et je commence à le fouetter, visant au mieux, te regardant dans notre complicité amusée. Sa main se déplace vers sa bite pour la caresser, mais je lui dis qu'il n'a pas le droit de se toucher et j'y vais vérifier à ta commande.
"T'as vu comment il bande ? Tu vas lui vider les couilles plus tard", tu me dis. Je le caresse uniquement pour te plaire.
Enfin tu décides qu'il devrait me sodomiser. Je n'ai absolument aucun désir, mais je t' obéis néanmoins. Je place les martinets sur l'étagère, et je te suis dans la chambre.
Je me tiens à tes côtés quand il entre, et ses mains attrapent les bouts de mes seins pour les pincer d'une façon vraiment dure et qui fait très mal, et je lui dis d'arrêter, en repoussant ses mains. Tu le fais rappeler d'être plus doux dans son approche à mes tétons sensibles.
Il laisse tomber un peu son pantalon et je lui dis de les enlever, il se déshabille complètement excepté peut-être ses chaussettes (je le déteste quand les hommes gardent leurs chaussettes !).
Tu me commandes de me mettre à 4 pattes, et je m'agenouille sur le lit pendant que tu lui donnes un capote. Quelqu'un met du gel sur mon anus — il commence à me pénétrer et je demande encore plus du gel. Je pense à Monsieur Os, à son énorme queue .
Il plonge dans moi et sa main frappe durement sur mon flanc, détournant la douleur de la pénétration vers ma cuisse. ça me fait mal, comme il frappe fois et j'entre dans cet espace d'ombre à l'intérieur de moi, toutes les pensées et les sentiments embrouillés, mon cerveau se concentre sur mes fesses, sa main, ta présence, et surtout mes émotions. Je suis à plat ventre, mon visage niché dans mes bras cachée sous mes cheveux. Je pleure, non, non... pendant qu'il continue à frapper. Ses mains tentent de pincer mes tétons, mais je les repousse.
Tu es allongé sur le lit à ma droite et je te dis "Il est méchant". Un enfoiré méchant.
Il cesse de me frapper, je ne sais pas si tu lui à fait signe ou bien s'il a entendu ce que j'ai dit.
Je me sens en colère et triste, fâché contre lui parce qu'il est un enfoiré méchant, fâché contre toi qui m'as offert à lui, triste pour moi-même.
Je tourne mon désir vers toi pendant qu'il continue à m'enculer. Le corps sent l'excitation physique même lorsque l'esprit a des émotions contradictoires. Ainsi je tourne mon énergie vers toi.
"Salope" tu me dis, "you bad girl".
"Yes, I'm a bad girl", je réponds en souriant car tu sais faire le déclic, et maintenant ce que je fais est complètement pour te plaire.
Je caresse ma chatte pour faire monter le plaisir, ma chair douce,humide et gonflée, mais mes doigts semblent éloignés ainsi je demande les tiens. ("please"... tu me rappelles). Je me léve, je me colle contre toi, embrassant ton cou pendant que tes doigts me stimulent et l'électricité me fait sauter et cambrer.
Et alors tu décides qu'il devrait jouir sur mes seins. Je m'assieds ou me tiens devant lui, mes mains soulèvent et offrent mes seins. Il retire la capote, il se branle — ton bras est autour de ma taille, je crois— et je regarde le plafond, les yeux fermés, pas envie de l'observer, alors que son foutre s'éclate sur ma poitrine. La chaleur est agréable, mais je ne veux pas sentir son sperme. Il a fini de jouir et il prend un kleenex. Je lui demande "beaucoup de kleenex" tandis qu'il me donne un seul. Tu répètes : elle a dit "beaucoup" ! Il m'en donne une poignée et je m'essuie au mieux avant d'aller au lavabo.
Il me suit, se tenant impatiemment de l'autre côté du rideau, me demandant une serviette. A l'évier, je rinçe ma poitrine de son sperme. Je lui demande, "Au début, il y a eu des coups, mais je ne savais pas si c'était toi ou lui".
"C'était lui", il ment et nous le savons tous les deux. Cependant, comme c'était si désagréable pour moi, je suis dans un 
moment de doute.
Le jour suivant, un bleu noir la taille d'un pouce est curieusement placée sur l'avant de ma cuisse.

A mean muthafuka

The Marquis-Noir orders me to offer myself to a young man after I flog him.

When I saw him come in the club wearing his black T-shirt, I thought : "this guy's clueless". Psychic alarms flashed around him as I see a white aura vibrating, warning me.

He's nervous behind his mask & he makes the mistake of touching the weights on the chain that you've clamped between my labial lips. "C'est lourd ?" he asks, as you run over to protect me, telling him that he needs to ask first.
Yet, you tantalize him later, telling me to sit with my legs spread open even wider since he wants to look, sitting across from me. I don't meet his eyes, I don't care about him behind his mask.
During this goûter, you've asked me to switch, and i've already flogged two men and a woman when this young man asks your permission to be flogged too. That is, he asks me when I'm handing the martinet back to Ôda, and we both tell him he has to ask you. To my surprise, you agree.
I take the two martinets & take him upstairs. You quickly appear & sit in a corner chair to watch. He slides down his pants slightly, but I tell him to drop them to his ankles. You encourage him. And I begin to whip, aiming as best I can, only looking at you in our amused complicity. His hand goes to stroke his cock, but I tell him that he doesn't have the right to touch himself & go over to check when you tell me to.
"T'as vu comment il bande ? Tu vas lui vider les couilles plus tard" you say. I stroke him only for your benefit.
Finally you decide that he should sodomize me. I have absolutely no desire, but I obey you nevertheless. I place the martinets on the shelf, and follow you into the bedroom.
He comes into the room as I stand with you, his hands reach out to directly pinch my tits really hard in a hurtful way, & I tell him to stop, pushing his hands away. You remind him to be more gentle in his approch to my sensitive nipples.
He drops his pants down slightly & I tell him to take them off, so he completely undresses except perhaps his socks (I hate it when men keep their socks on !).
You order me to position myself à 4 pattes, & I kneel on the bed as you give him a rubber. Someone puts gel on my ass — he begins to penetrate me & I ask for more. I think of Monsieur Os, of his huge cock.
He plunges into me & his hand strikes me hard on my flank, deflecting the pain from the penetration to my thigh. It hurts, as he strikes several times & I go into that dark space inside me, all thoughts & feelings jumbled as my brain focusses on my ass, his hand, your presence, and especially my emotions. I'm face down, nestled in my arms beneath my hair. I cry out, no, no ... as he continues to hit. His hands reach forward to pinch my tits, but I swat them away.
You're lying on the bed to my right & I tell you "Il est méchant." A mean muthafuka.
He stops hitting me, I don't know if you've told him or if he's heard what I said.
I feel angry & sad, angry at him for being a mean muthafuka, angry at you for offering me to him, sad for myself.
I turn my desire towards you as he continues to pump into me. The body feels the physical excitement even when the mind has conflicting emotions. So I turn my energy towards you.
"Salope" you say, "you bad girl".
"Yes, I'm a bad girl", I reply & smile because you know how to make that click for me, & now I'm totally doing this only for your benefit.
I stroke my pussy to help the pleasure mount, swollen, soft wet flesh, but my fingers seem distant so I ask for yours. ("Please"... you remind me). I lean up, clinging to you, kissing your neck as your fingers stimulate me & the electricity makes me twitch & arch.
And then you decide that he should come on my tits. I sit or stand before him, my hands lift & offer my breasts. He pulls off the rubber, jerking off —your arm is around my waist, I think— I look up at the ceiling, closing my eyes, don't wanna watch him, then the warm jets splat over my chest. The warmth is pleasurable, but I don't want to smell his sperm. He's done & reaches for a kleenex. I ask for "beaucoup de kleenex" as he gives me one. You repeat : elle a dit "beaucoup" ! He hands me a bunch & I wipe myself as best I can before going to the sink.
He follows me, impatiently standing outside the curtain, asking for a towel. I'm at the sink, rinsing off his sperm. I ask him, "Au début, il y a eu des coups, mais je ne savais pas si c'était toi ou lui".
"C'était lui", he lies & we both know it. Yet, because it was so unpleasant for me, I'm in a strange moment of doubt.
The next day, a black bruise the size of a thumb is oddly placed on the front of my thigh.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Délicieuse morsure

Le Marquis Noir orders me to stand in front of Nawa-Kin, holding her hands while he whips her.

"Délicieuse morsure," she whispers, eyes closed, as the first lick of the whip touches her flesh, knowing how far this voyage will take her.
She holds my hands, my fingers so tightly that I don't know if my palms are sweaty or if it's hers ... all fingers so slippery, and yet so intensely held.
I'm fascinated by the whip & I wish the music was off so I could hear the whistle of the invisible whip thru the air & the sound of its lash on naked flesh. I'm fascinated, longing for it to be mine, yet wincing with every blow.
All elements : water, earth, wind & fire ...
At first, like loving caresses all over her back and buttocks. The first harsh lash ripples thru her & I see the vibrations mount, the pain reverberating, like an electric current moving thru her arms into mine. I'm struck by her absolute sensuality & desire. We are sisters in this moment.
I look over her shoulder to watch our Master expertly whip — the exactitude of his aim, the exquisite mastery of his touch, his graceful agility.
I watch him over her shoulder, or in the mirror, seeing how he spins the tail & cringing with every blow.
He sees my look & a smile crosses his face as he shakes his head in slight amusement at my fears.
Throwing one smack in between her shoulder blades, another in a lasso twirl licking the same spot over & over. I watch & I feel the invisible strikes, and cringe with Nawa-Kin on the particularly harsh ones, moaning aloud.
Her arms reach back in supplication & I take them back to her breasts. I want to console her, to hold her & I brace her as she leans more heavily towards me. Her hands move towards her tears & I caress them away, softly caressing her face.
When she can take no more, she turns towards him in supplication & the whip is stilled.
"Je travaille la colère de ma mère", she confesses... and then he's there, holding her in his arms as she tearfully says "merci". He kisses her, consoles her — she's still holding my hand — and he includes me in the embrace, then tells me to get some ice-cubes to rub on her body.
She kneels against a chair, and I slide the ice over the welts and the lacerations. The heat melts the ice quickly. I wonder how it would feel then to sleep, or to take a shower with the burning sensation all over the back.
"How long do the marks last ?", I ask her.
"2-3 weeks, depending."
I think I would need to be consoled for a very long time, to be in a quiet space to come down from the endormorphins. A quiet dark space, like after a massage — after this very different massage, whiplashed.

Délicieuse morsure - VF

Le Marquis-Noir m'ordonne de me placer face à Nawa-Kin, pour tenir ses mains tandis qu'il la fouette.

"Délicieuse morsure," elle murmure, les yeux fermés, lorsque le fouet lèche sa chair à la première touche, sachant jusqu'où ce voyage l'emmènera.
Elle me serre les mains, les doigts si fort que je ne sais pas si ce sont mes paumes qui transpirent ou bien si ce
sont les siennes ... nos doigts si glissants, et pourtant si intensément tenus.
Je suis fasciné par le fouet et je souhaite que la musique s'arrête pour que je puisse entendre le sifflement invisible du fouet dans l'air et le son de sa lanière sur la chair nue. Je suis fasciné, envie qu'il soit mien, grimaçante avec chaque coup.
Tous les éléments : l'eau, la terre, l'air et le feu...
Au début, comme des caresses aimantes partout sur son dos et sur ses fesses. Le premier coup de fouet dur ondule à travers elle et je vois les vibrations monter, la réverbération de la douleur, comme un courant électrique qui traverse de ses bras aux miens. Je suis frappé par sa sensualité et par son désir absolues. Nous sommes des sœurs dans ce moment.
Je regarde sur son épaule pour voir notre Maître la fouetter avec expertise - l'exactitude de son objectif, la maîtrise exquise de sa touche, son agilité gracieuse.
Je l'observe sur son épaule, ou dans le miroir, voyant comment il fait tourner la queue et je recule avec chaque coup. En voyant mon expression, un sourire traverse son visage et il hoche sa tête, légerement amusé par mes craintes.
Il en jette un droit au milieu ses omoplates, un autre tel un lasso qui lèche la même endroit encore et encore. J'observe et je sens ces coups invisibles et je recule avec Nawa-Kin aux plus sévères, gémissant.
Ses bras le supplient d'un geste en arrière — je les ramène de nouveau à ses seins. Je veux la consoler, la tenir et je la soutiens tandis qu'elle s'appuie de plus en plus lourdement sur moi. Ses mains se déplacent vers ses larmes et je les essuie, caressant doucement son visage. Quand elle n'en peut plus, elle se tourne vers lui en supplication et le fouet s'arrête.
"Je travaille la colère de ma mère", elle avoue ... et puis il est là, la tenant dans ses bras tandis qu'elle lui dit "merci", les larmes aux yeux. Il l'embrasse, la console —elle me tient toujours la main— et il m'embrasse aussi, me disant d'aller chercher des glaçons pour les frotter sur son corps.
Elle s'agenouille contre une chaise et je glisse les glaçons sur les zébrures et les lacérations. La chaleur fait fondre la glace rapidement. Je me demande comment il sera de s'en dormir, ou de prendre une douche avec cette sensation brûlante sur tout le dos.
"Combien de temps dureront les marques ?", je lui demande.
"2-3 semaines, selon."
Je pense que j'aurais besoin d'être consolée longtemps, de me retrouver dans un espace calme pour la descente des endormorphins. Un espace calme dans la pénombre, comme après un massage — après ce massage si différent, whiplashed.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Nawakin and Nobodia

The Marquis Noir orders me to watch the sculptural Nobodia dominate Nawakin, saying that soon it would be happenning to me.

I stand against the black & white tiled wall to watch this black and white spectacle. A young man is next to me, observing.
She takes the corset off Nawakin, allowing full access to her abundant breasts, leaning her against the table as she clamps her tits.
The young man crouches down to delicately touch my breast with his fingers, gently surrounding my tit with his mouth. He's like a cameleon. "Harder", I whisper, as he nibbles & bites & sucks in the most delicious way.
Nawakin gasps as the first drop of wax is spilled on her tit. She looks directly into the eyes of her Mistress as Nobodia continues to drip the hot wax.
The sensual luminosity of her blonde hair & white skin, her red lips gasping as waves of pleasure begin to take her off on her voyage. My gasps mix with hers as my cameleon exquisitely sucks & bites my nipples.
My eyes caress the darker skin of Nobodia, her voluminous breasts bound in white rope, like a brassière. Nawakin, la bondageuse folle !
Her tits are now wax sculptures, the clamped tips encrusted by the wax. Her head falls backwards in pleasure, her eyes closed, the black stripe of her eyeshadow glistening against the white... everything is black & white with a touch of ruby red !
She leans down to kiss the breast of Nobodia, smearing the red all over her lips, now coming back up revealing a pinker shade of lipstick smeared across her mouth.
Nobodia begins to massage Nawakin, kneading her breasts in forward movements until the wax sculpture pops the clamps off in a perfect mold. Then, leaning into her, their billowing breasts communing as their firm tits touch and softness flows around, yet firm, feminine flesh.
I remember the taste of
's pussy last week when the Marquis-Noir ordered me to pleasure her at the same table, kneeling on the steps, my mouth firmly on her pussy licking her clit, my right hand spreading her open as my left arm encircled her thigh, my hand stretching up to caress her tit, as an unseen hand caressed my pussy and my wetness smeared down my thighs.
I'm wet now, and my thighs slide against each other avec la mouille, and my latex mini clings even tighter to my perspiring skin.
Nawakin now kneels on a small chair, her black skirt lifted to reveal the lunar surface of her bottom, as Nobodia cups her hand to spank her with very precise whacks followed by caresses. Her bottom reddens, Nobodia takes the badine, lightly touching the inside of her thighs when Ptitdoudou comes in to tell us that it's closing time. Just when it was getting interesting !
And we're all disappointed.

The Snake Goddess

Tonight, I'm not really in the mood to be touched, don't really have the permission, but I go upstairs with Cosmos to take a look around. The dark bedroom attracts me, so I slip into the shadows to watch a woman being fucked by her lover, as another man reclines on the bed, his stiff cock glistening in the shadows as her moans of pleasure increase.
A man is standing to my left, Cosmos at my right, and they both press their cocks into my hands as we watch. Cosmos has eagerly fingered me, but I keep my thighs together to limit the probing. Perhaps I should have let myself go into the pleasure...
A sucette in my mouth, I milk their throbbing cocks, increasing the rhythm until Cosmos explodes.

"Branleuse !", the Marquis teased me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Monsieur Os

Monsieur Os went to the desert and died.
Only a long cold silence followed, despite the heat.
Crawling through the dark dawn, crying.

Moving past the words and the photos,
I decide to seek my place amongst the misfits and the pervs.

To my great delight !


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

princesse.x makes her coming out

* // // // // *

* // // // // *

— Halloween —
I'm the devil's plaything


© Halloween 2007 by les Goûters du Divin Marquis

Monday, October 15, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

your essence

... it's so hot & so I took out my black Spanish fan at dinner. Your perfume wafted around me, caressing me, enfolding me... (I had idly taken some samples of "Allure" & "Terre" while biding my time at the Duty Free shop, placing the papers in my bag, next to my fan).
and oh ! it intoxicates me more than the wine, making me heady, distracting me from the conversation (I stole another of my mother's old wooden pinces à linge ....) as it sets off an immediate & complete sensory response to your pheronomes —I'm gushing—reminding me so of your presence, of your skin, & of the deep caress as you cradle my head as you kneel towards my mouth...


Un secret

Ma belle princesse perverse,
Ton aventure au MK2 me remplit d'aise... Tu es vraiment une cochonne intersidérale et j'aime beaucoup l'idée que tu te sois faite baisée dans les chiottes homme d'un cinéma de centre commercial à l'abandon, comme la dernière des trainées. Il faut vraiment que je vienne te corriger : tu me raconteras chacun de tes gestes obscènes sur cet Habilis et pour chaque geste, je t'infligerai une punition. je puis déjà te dire que la fellation que tu lui as très certainement offert te vaudra 20 coups de cravache particulièrement appuyés.
Je t'embrasse, ma princesse cochonne. * Mon si beau Maître_Phallus,
Je vous demande de bien vouloir me pardonner pour mon comportement scandaleux pendant ton absence. 

Voici les faits : Un secret
MK2 Beaugrenelle

13h20 I stand in the sun eating my sandwich when H. walks quickly up to me, kissing me directly. We go inside & he buys the tickets. Taking my hand, we descend the stairs to Salle 4, noticing that most of the toilettes are out of order. He leads me to a far back corner & we settle in. 

I throw my jacket over the seat in front of us, hanging it down to use as a cover for our illicit activities. The previews are playing, the lights are still on, people entering & finding their seats, but this doesn't stop him from slipping his fingers into my panties to check my wetness. Quite pleased, he begins to caress my clit while he grabs my tits. He pushes my legs apart when the lights go down, sliding his fingers deep inside me. I refrain from leaning my knee on the seat in front of me, afraid to vibrate or wiggle the whole row. A man gets up & moves way down to the front. 
He unzips his pants, pulling out his swollen cock. Caressing each other, watching our reactions. "Suck my cock" he orders, & I pretend to be reluctant so he pulls my head to his lap. His cock slides in my mouth, filling it. As the excitement mounts, he wants to fuck me. He pulls on his pants & leaves the salle & I follow him out.
Most of the toilettes are out of order, except the men's in Salle 2. We step inside the stall, hoping the light will come on as we lock it, but we find ourselves in pitch black. I hear him unzip his pants, fumbling for the rubber. 
"Present yourself !" he orders, as I slip my panties down & lift up my skirt, bending over the toilet, bracing my hands against the wall. He thrusts into me & I bite my lips to keep from crying out, a few murmurs escaping my lips as he plunges into me. We silently fuck in the dark. I slide further down until I come. 
"I want your mouth", he whispers, so I sit on the toilet as he rips off the rubber & I open my lips as he pumps gently into my mouth until he pulls away, his cum splattering onto the tile floor. I can feel some on my hands & in my hair - later I see traces on my sleeve. He cracks open the door to let in some light. I wipe my hands with some TP and then wipe off his still throbbing cock that faces me. "Yes..." he says approvingly. 
We dress, and he goes out first. I follow. Walking thru the lobby, the ticket agent is surprised by our exit. "Vous partez déjà ?" she asks. I reply " Nous avons pas accroché au film." as we gaily push open the glass doors towards the sunlight. 

Je vous embrasse mon Maître,
ta princesse cochonne

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Queen of the Underworld

Die Hard IV - VO
13h35 Gaumont-Ambassade
Champs-Elysées (The Eleusian Mysteries) 

You wait for me outside, tickets in hand... an hungry man in a suit. A permanent state of hunger, a sort of visceral need to penetrate, so you said. Recognizing me, you come towards me, dark lust in your eyes.
"You don't look like Bruce Willis", I smile, and you slightly sneer, firmly taking my arm & walking me inside.
I trip slightly to catch up with your pace as we walk down the corridor, the thick doors parting before us into the dark like Persephone's descent into Hades. Her dark playground in the shadow by the fiery licks of the forge.
You lead me to an empty dark corner.
"Spread your legs" you tell me, & I open them. Your hands push my thighs open even wider & I slide down on the seat. Your fingers touch my wetness and I can hear approval in your breath. You caress my clit and your fingers start to probe. With your other hand, you lean over to slide it into my dress, squeezing my tits & pinching my nipples. I don't look at you, but I can feel your heavy breath on my neck.
Leaning back, you pull one of my legs over the accoudoir, onto your lap. I'm sitting at an angle, my legs widely open, exposed. In one version, you cover us with your trenchcoat; in another, I'm exhibited in the dark. Your fingers & thumb plunge & excite me. I bite my lips to remain silent. "Stop !", I whisper, but this only increases your excitement as you plunge deeper into me. I begin to tremble as I come.
In one version, some men smell the dank pleasure & move towards us, hovering in the rows above & below us, watching.
"Get down on your knees ", you order me thickly, & I squeeze down between the seats, crawling on bits of popcorn & sticky Coca-Cola stains.
I discover your thick cock, throbbing & engorged, as it points towards me & my lips open. You sink into me & I suck you as these men watch us until their sperm jets like rain all over me & you come in my mouth. Our groaning mingles with the voice of Bruce Willis & gunfire.
You pull me up to my feet, taking me roughly by the arm, walking me towards the exit.
In one version, no one has noticed what we'd been doing, but might have wondered about the hasty exit of this couple as they walk towards the screen.
You seem to have been here before, as you know where this door leads : it's not an exit at all, but rather leads to the toilets. In one version, it's a small tight cubicle with leakage - wet puddles & streams of TP on the floor - in another, it's well-lit with many stalls. You lock the door. You spin me around, lifting up my skirt, bending me over against the sink, or over the toilet. I hear the crisp elastic sound of the rubber as you roll it on before plunging deeply into me, fucking me hard & I cry out.In one version, you have fucked me already, the men watching as you bend me over the row in front of us.
And perhaps you lift me up to the mirror to expose me, so I can see what a slut I am, compelled to abandon myself to your desire.
In the taxi afterwards, you slide a crisp 500 euro note into my hand as a present.

Friday, August 03, 2007

hello from Paris

I found the photo of a guy I'd slept with on myspace.
I saw an ex-lover at the market, rue de Poteau,
but he didn't see me.
I thought of you.

I thought of Mike, but didn't call.
Of Habilis, of his palpable lust oozing from the screen, probing me.
Of fr_nck, of the Google keyword his curious women will find.
Of you, of the one intimate moment
when you leaned down to me 
as I whispered in your ear.


pour Monsieur Os

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007

remover of obstacles

V° - VI° siècle, schiste
87 x 44 x 25 cm
Provenance :
Shâmalâjî, Gujarât
Museum and Picture Gallery, Vadodara
© Aditya Arya

Thursday, May 10, 2007

my perversity

The scenario :
The two perverse twins have been writing me à tour de rôle, à mon insu, until I finally agree to meet them.
We have a drink, and decide that I will date both of them. At this point, it doesn't really matter, since no real emotion is involved. I don't know which one will show up, if they've taken turns or not, and I try to decipher by little détails their differences. Are their cocks the same size ? How do they make love to me ? etc. And this goes on until the ultimate moment when I make love to both of them at once (very perverse twins indeed).
Or as a variation : I don't know that this man has a twin, and date both of them without knowing it. Then one day, they do a double whammy, in a hotel room... as I enter, I discover the twins standing together. And in my astonishment, they both fuck me.

Monday, April 23, 2007


my sex filled with your cock

your silence, gone

le béant du néant.


pour Monsieur Os

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

liquid gold

Perverse priestess
princesse in prostration
before your lingam
so splendid & brilliantly
erect in the sun...

Not in adoration
heart sobbing
the golden rod has melted :
hot molten liquid of golden bliss.

Crawling forward to embrace
whispering her magickal words
invocations of lava

Throwing herself into the pool
rolling & covering her skin
permeating her soul

In pure triumphant alchemy as

Phallus & Princesse become one.

pour Monsieur Os

Monday, February 26, 2007

une punition, encore.

Je te pardonne bien évidemment.

Mais tu devras quand même t'excuser, de la manière que tu sais, en me suppliant à genoux de te dominer.

Mon si cher Maître,
Je suis à genoux devant toi, les mains attachées dans le dos, les pinces sur mes seins, un gode enfoncé dans mes fesses. Tu as serré très fort mon corset, et malgré ma honte de t'avoir ennervé ainsi pendant ton travail de haute cadre, la mouille coule entre mes cuisses, d'une façon visible que tu remarques.
Mon Maître, pardonnes-moi s'il te plaît pour mon comportement si ennervant. Je te promets de me retenir la prochaine fois.
Pour montrer ma supplication, j'ouvre ma bouche pour que tu puisses y enfoncer ton magnifique queue si tu le souhaites. Et de me laisser prendre selon tes envies.
Je suis à toi, toute à toi, et je dois t'obeir dans les moindres et les plus forts de tes désirs.

ta princesse_soumise

Là, j'aurais envie de m'enfoncer dans ta bouche jusqu'au bout, jusqu'à jouir entre tes lèvres, te demander de faire couler mon foutre sur tes seins et ensuite les fouetter... Très fort...

I bite my lips to stifle my sobs, and I taste your semen all over them. Some of your liquid I've swallowed in the first jets, and my whole mouth is filled with your taste. My lips are swollen from sucking you, sticky with your semen, and my tongue is totally alive inside my mouth so recently filled. I can feel the trails of your cum all down my chin and neck, dripping down to the tips of my breasts and then over. I'm terribly excited by your domination and my pussy is even more swollen than my lips, my cyprine running down my thighs. The plug inside my ass feels huge, as my orifice tightens around it from my arousal. My clit is erect, and I wish to caress it, but my hands are tied. My pussy craves your cock. And in this arousal, so recently dominated, I can hardly contain my excitement.
You whip my breasts with the crop, hard. I wince, but when you strike the very tip of my tits, I cry out. And you hit them over and over until my tears mix with your semen, falling down my cheeks and chin.
"Salope !", you cry, as I say I'm sorry, and you give me several more fiery whips on the tips (still clamped by the pinces, and very red, hurting). "Garce..." and you roughly push me over, not kissing the tender tips of my tits, not taking off the clamps as you usually do.
My face is on the floor, you kindly place a pillow under it. You pull back my hair so that you can see every expression on my face. My ass is up in the air, my mini barely covering it. With the crop, you whip me crisscrossing the pattern until you're satisfied with your red stripes, as well as my sobs.
You quickly pull out the plug, disgarding it, and place a fingerful of gel inside my ass before you plunge right in, not allowing me to escape, holding my arms back. I scream as you enter me, plunging so deeply and hard... and I relax my muscles so that you can fuck me as you will.
"Jouisse maintenant, salope !" you cry, and I know that I must come upon your signal, so that your domination over me is complete. And wave upon wave of delicious orgasm flows over me, as I feel you spurting one more time into my ass. You fall trembling upon me, and my body flattens out upon the floor in total abandon, smearing it with our liquids.

Optional ending :
You friends L. and G. have been watching this scene behind the two-way mirror of the interrogation room. When you rise, pulling away from me, you signal to them to take their turn ravaging me.
Optional actions :
- G. pulls me back up to my kneeling position. They both take turns fucking my mouth, and then both come on my face & breasts.
- One has me suck him, while the other fucks or sodomizes me.
- You watch behind the mirror, then come out to join in with toys on top off all the rest.
- If sharing me with your friends isn't appropriate, these actions are accomplished by anonymous men and/or women in a club.

Je t'embrasse... ad infinitum.

ta princesse_punie.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Amour 007

2¤¤7 ''°º?ø,¸¸,ø?º°''°º?ø ,¸¸,ø?º°
Soyeuse.. lumineuse... amoureuse...merveilleuse...
lubrique... érotique...phallique...magique...
au-delà des sens ! ø?º°''°º?ø,¸¸,ø?º°''°
