Tuesday, March 28, 2006

... dans les couloirs du métro

... my sex-appeal started out early; rather, it was left over from last night.
Yeah, there was this lost Algerian man with an umbrella at Etoile, I thought he wanted directions, but of course he wanted money. I pulled out a Euro from my pocket, and his face lit up with joy ! "Vous êtes gentille" he exclaimed, and he was right. I don't really have money to burn, but I throw one out to the Universe for good measure every now & then. Et puis, il m'a fait la bise, d'une façon très enthousiaste... x2... x4... and then he started pulling me towards his chest, hugging me to him. "C'est pas la peine de m'embrasser autant" I softly said, as I pushed him back. Turning away, I thought of the coffee he might drink.

Spring had made me throw off a layer. My black satin dress shimmered above my boots, showing a bit of rose-colored knee. My jacket open, scarf & necklace hanging down... my antique sunglasses... and a certain dishevelled look.

Fashionably late, I enter
my office... Je fais de l'effet... I kiss a photographer there in a meeting, who says "Nice glasses"...
and I strip down the layers until ...

After lunch, I go sit on a park bench in the sun, expecting to make phone calls... mais mon portable ne capte pas dans ce coin pourri du XV°. I slide down negligently in the warmth... I see this seemy guy staring at me, walking towards me, staring at my knees... I look away. Walking past, he sits down further & stares at me from afar before making his backward run.

I run to an appointment at the FNAC St. Lazare at the end of the day. Lost in the metro corridors, I run into an ex-lover... hmmm... whaddya know !
I wait in the rayon livres-photos, et mon rendez-vous (professionnel) arrive derrière moi, pour m'embrasser en surprise ... mes lévres éffleurent les siens... ooops ! pardon !


  1. Saucy, darlin' !

    ("wzapo" : the natural son of Groucho !)

  2. Tabasco, honey !

    (ovpdo* petite overdose !)

  3. Le 15ème serait-il pire que le fin fond de l'Auvergne ?

  4. Je crois que l'Auvergne sera bien plus excitant, quoi que je ne suis jamais allée...
