Sunday, February 15, 2009

Une année aux Goûters I

I . Discovery of the love/BDSM dilemma

/// Coming home, coming out : Halloween 2007
Monsieur Os dropped me, suddenly, without explanation. A love affair that lasted a year and a half, that took me into my first real experiences of submission, filled with intense erotic correspondance that was almost daily. Then, nothing. He stopped responding to my mails, and wouldn't take my calls.

Crawling through the dark dawn, crying.

Finally one morning, the thought exploded in my head : I must meet people like me.

I thought of La Nuit Demonia, but it was too far away, and would be too crowded. Then I remembered the site of Cris & Chuchottements, the club that I dreamed of going to with Monsieur Os.
An announcement for the Halloween Party caught my eye. I remembered the Goûters du Divin Marquis, and the site of the Marquis Noir which scared me (whips ! needles !).
But now it seemed the right step to take.

I phoned to reserve during my lunch break. Le Marquis Noir answered, asking me "D'où vient cette délicieuse accent ?"

I arrived at midnight in my long leopard coat. The Marquis opened the door, calling me by my name, Princesse X, surprising me.

As I stepped thru the door, I felt as if I placed my foot in the center of the circle. One of those magic moments when everything seems in alignment.

"Où dois-je me changer ? " I asked. He replied, "Vous pouvez vous changer dans les toilettes, mais c'est petite — ou bien ici, devant Moi."

I looked around, and with a slight shrug of my shoulders, decided to change right there.

As I did, the Marquis looked me over, up & down, head to toe. He seemed to be excited, there was a glint in his eye, as he went back & forth from behind the counter.

Mlle Ôda came up the stairs to greet me. "Vous êtes quoi ?" she asked. "Soumise", I replied. And she helped me zip up my latex skirt.

The Marquis tightened my corset —exquisite moment of being in his hands— and then lightly took off my bra.

I laughed when he told me "Une soumise ne porte pas de soutien-gorge", as he pinched my nipples.

C'était la première fois que j'ai mis ma tenue de soumise en publique.

Mlle Ôda took me downstairs, and as I descended the steps into the Salon, I felt as if I had come home. There was something so familiar, like some clubs I frequented when I was younger, and a wonderful atmosphere.

I was a bit nervous, but excited, as Mlle Ôda gave me a tour. She kindly asked Emmanuel if there was a space to sit next to him, and he became my Chevalier Servant for the night.

When he asked me what brought me there, I answered : Mon Maître me néglige, et je crois que c'est fini.
We had fun playing together with his cravache, and we became complices as the night went into the early hours.

I had so much fun ! Emmanuel asked for my phone, the Marquis for my mail, Mlle Ôda told me I should come every Friday.

I felt good, but a bit sad that I had gone to the Club on my own, without Monsieur Os.

/// Le Marquis Noir
Exchange of mail with the Marquis, who wanted to know more about me. Learning that Mlle Ôda is his soumise & Dame de Coeur, that he also has another soumise, Nawa-kin, la bondageuse folle. He proposed that I become one of his soumises.

I began a preliminary stage, not yet having seen him again, as Cris & Chuchottements is closed 3 weeks for renovation. He's an expert dominateur, and I felt that I landed right smack in the center of the circle when I jumped that night, crossing the threshold into that club.

He tells me: No sex between us ("Pas de sexe entre nous").

Nawa-kin tells me that I should keep my BDSM relationship separate from a love/sex relationship. That they should not be mixed.

This notion was foreign to me, especially as I could see couples together every Goûter. And since my only other experience was with Monsieur Os, and I felt happy in that relationship, I didn't quite understand why.

This ultimately became an inner conflict which prevented my becoming one of his soumises.

(à suivre ...)

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