Monday, June 14, 2010

Evolution n°9

 Tous droits reservés par les Goûters du Divin Marquis

During the dark weeks of uncertainty with M, when I still was only allowed one seance per Goûter, these sessions with Miss Charlotte slowly began.
I should say the very first one on February 12.
S. had spanked me first & we had choreographed it so that Charlotte would then whip me, stretching a little the limit of "one time".
I really like how S. gives a spanking, with a lot of rhythm, like drumming with her two hands. It's intense and progressive, she knows exactly how to dose it, so that there's a lot of pleasure and doesn't hurt as much as some. I love how she uses her fingernails to lightly scratch me, or to dig them into my buttocks.

Charlotte whipped lightly. I was on my knees, leaning against the chair. I love to feel these fiery kisses like bee stings. She is delicate and precise in her gestures and I really felt it to be an extension of her hand. The whip touched me on the shoulders, the nape of my neck, my hair, and then on my hips and thighs. I wanted her to enjoy it as long as she wanted until she felt like stopping. It lasted a long while, intensifying, and I trembled.
I could hear that El Commandant had taken up his Snake too, but it wasn't until I saw the photos that I understood that he had also whipped me, teaching Charlotte. I remember a few strikes that were just so good - I know now that they were his.

When my relationship with M ended, out of that darkness the sessions with Charlotte crystallized, into something, just simply being.
The realization of the simplicity of Being was a deep joy for me, filling me with peace. Not feeling the anxiety that can overwhelm me, just a simple state of being, shared.
That it be non-sexual was also new for me, although emotions are shared, and the experience of the whip so deliciously intoxicating on each end.
With M, the relationship was decidedly sexual, the male/female attraction so very strong. Although he fucked me, we never "made love". The sex was only BDSM.
He took me to far off places with so many orgasms.  Although I didn't write about every one since so many intense sensations packed into an evening or a night are almost impossible to decipher, the essence was captured in "His captive of sensations" and "In my dog-soul ".

This new sensation of calm after my sessions with Charlotte has lead me to a new understanding (finally !)
Could it be that I finally separate my BDSM from my love life, as it was suggested in the beginning ?
Or will I still desire a certain "ideal" of a couple, as I had hoped to create with M. ?
Right now, I'm not really looking, but one thing is for sure : I pack a lot of expectations into the male/female thing.
Time out now to enjoy this new simplicity of being, to be calm, my masochism thus expressed.
I know that this evolution will continue, under the whip of Miss Charlotte, and that we will go further & further, as her personal style is revealed.
And, perhaps, that once again that she will whip me in rhythm with El Commandant !

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