Friday, February 26, 2010

Suspension !

(photo) Tous droits réservés aux les Goûters du Divin Marquis

M. asked the permission of El Commandant for a bondage by Nawa-san.
When she asked what I felt like doing, I said : a semi-suspension; but she overruled it, saying : suspension !
I was delighted, since we had discussed the possibility. Especially since my failed attempt last summer.
A stillness & an excited feeling inside, as Ave Maria creates a hush in the room. 27 is in a tender embrace with O., the two entwined, sitting on the floor.
I was especially pleased to share this "first" with M.
The moment of levitation seemed so light, natural & perfect.
I felt so secure in the ropes, cradled in them, in their warmth, as I slightly rocked back & forth. Nawa-san's hands gently caress me.
Later, a complete release of the all tension into total abandon. I didn't realize the tension I was still holding in my legs until this release.
Beautiful !
Thank you Nawa-san !

(photo) Tous droits réservés aux les Goûters du Divin Marquis

M. a demandé la permission à El Commandant pour une bondage par Nawa-san.
Quand elle m'a demandé ce que j'avais envie de faire, je lui ai dit: une semi-suspension; mais elle s'est passé outre, en disant: suspension !
J'ai été très heureuse, car nous avions évoqué la possibilité. Surtout depuis L'échec l'été dernier.
Un calme et un sentiment d'excitation à l'intérieure, tandis que Ave Maria crée un silence dans la pièce. 27 est dans une tendre étreinte avec O., les deux enlacées, assises par terre.
J'étais particulièrement heureuse de partager cette «première» avec M.
Le moment de lévitation semblait si léger, naturel et parfait.
Je me sentais tellement en sécurité dans les cordes, enrobée par eux, par leur chaleur, tandis je me berçais doucement. Le mains de Nawa-san me caressent doucement.
Plus tard, une relâchement totale de toute la tension dans un abandon total. Je ne me rendais pas compte de  la tension que je tenais encore dans mes jambes jusqu'à cette relâchement.
Merveilleux !
Merci Nawa-san!


doll said...

I have done the google search on Annabel Chong. What is fascinating about a gang bang of this size (or even much smaller) is that the men need to be primed so that they can reach the point of ejaculation very quickly and then move away for the place to be taken by another. It is a good thing that men are such visual creatures that they can become highly aroused whilst they sit on the boundaries watching the events taking place.

I do wonder though if Ms Chek developed an allergy to latex or lubricant following such a high exposure. I now know that I will have to be very careful with the aftercare if I do this again.

princesse.x said...

Yes, I think that part of the excitement comes from the animal nature of watching. It reminds me of a cat in heat, surrounded by all those Tomcats.
Personally, I have never experienced a gang-bang. I've done bisexual threesomes often, and I've also planned 2 sexual encounters with 2 different men, back to back, but with each one individually.
As for Annabel Chong, in her documentary they mentionned some problems she had as a result of the gang-bang.
Please do take care, before, during & after ! And enjoy ;-)