Sunday, August 15, 2010

The day my mother fell off of her pedestal

I have always loved to read — books have always been part of my life.

As a young child, I devoured them. At seven years old, I grasped for the bigger books, with grand paginations : the Wizard of Oz, bound in vintage style, with illustrations... I read it through, even if I didn't quite understand everything but the desire & the discovery were there.
Later I devoured biographies, a series of American profiles : Thomas Jefferson, Harriet Beecher Stowe... I would gather a pile from the local library, spend an afternoon curled up on the sofa, discovering life.
My mother loved that I loved to read. Besides, it kept me quiet.

One day my mother asked me : How would you like to read a book about a little girl who grows up ?
My eyes sparkled as I answered "yes !" My mother would show me her treasure, the beloved book that she'd read when she was a little girl just like me. A wondrous volume, an initiation ! I was delighted and impatient at the thought.
I kept asking her for the book. She said it hadn't arrived yet. I waited, imagining this wonderful thing.

One day she came into my room with the "book". It turned out to be a thin pamphlet by Kotex on menstruation, with pinkish anatomical drawings of the female reproductive system.

My mother fell off of her pedestal.
She would be of no use to me.
I can only imagine what might have happened if she had given me the book of my dreams.
She clearly knew nothing at all about me.

When she asked me if I had any questions, I said no. I had looked with disgust at the drawings, and didn't even open another book on reproduction that had stick figures.
I stayed in my ignorance, despite the sex education class at school.
I didn't understand how the seed got into the egg. A girl giggled " That's what they do in bed, silly !" Bed ? What's that got to do with it?

I was twelve years old when I got my period.  I bled for two days without telling anyone, ashamed. Finally the blood poured out when I was at my best friend's house. My mother came rushing over.
In the bathroom she handed me a thick Kotex napkin that was worn with a belt. Even more humiliating : how was I to pee ? Just pull it down.
Disgusting blood that smelled like hamburger. Yuck.

Curled up in the dark on my bed. My father peeked into the room "I hear you're a woman now." Embarrassment & betrayal :  why did she tell my Dad ?

In high school, I wasn't allowed to date, and boys were still curious creatures to me. I remained in my innocence, despite the sensuality of the poetry I was writing at the time, or the sleepless nights on a full moon with strange urges making me writhe like a cat.
I met my first true love at the end of high school. We were both virgins - somehow he thought I had experience. Finally, one afternoon we made love in my dorm room at college to Debussy or Ravel - something with a harp !
He was lying in the bed, and I lowered myself slowly onto his cock. The length of it penetrated me. And then, the joyful discovery of movement ! Somehow, I understood penetration, but had never fathomed that it would move in& out.
I couldn't get enough, we couldn't get enough & we spent 5 years exploring in every way.
I had no inhibitions, only my own sensual lust, as I had never talked about sex at home. Or with anyone really.

(written April 4, 2009)


Anonymous said...

... je ne sais pas si cette histoire est uniquement féminine ... comme si la sensualité était un fleuve .. puisé à la source d'un après-midi calme ... d'un doux ennui .. du rêve .. de la quête d'un ailleurs ... de tout ce qui cruellement nous détache de ceux qui nous aiment .. et que nous aimons.

princesse.x said...

Dois-je comprendre que c'est un homme qui m'écrit ?
Monsieur, j'ai bien l'impression que vous n'avez lu que les dernières paragraphes !
Alors que mon "histoire" n'est qu'absoluement féminine ! Les rapports mére/fille, le système de réproduction féminin, ma propre dépucellage ... j'ignore comment cela aurait pu vous échapper !
C'est de la provocation ?
Ou bien, vous ne pouvez pas vous empêcher de vous projeter dans mon histoire ?

J'avoue être perplexe devant une telle commentaire.

doll said...

Princess X,

I have ended my blog a tantalizing woman to begin a new one which will slowly grow as I find new words to post.

I am very glad that my father didn't make it clear that he was privy to my new status as a menstruating woman when the bleeding first hit me. Not the sort of embarrassing event that is needed at that time.

Anonymous said...

oui j'avais aussi reconnu mon histoire dans ce récit ... :-) ... je vous embrasse. Belle soirée.

princesse.x said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
princesse.x said...

Doll (Arcane's Angel),
Yes, I noticed that your blog was closed. I'm glad that you let me know — I don't want to loose track of you.
I'm sure the words will come — and what a story you will tell ;-)
