You turn to me, as i still stand naked before You, saying "Now we're going to do something we've never tried before - the knife".
You hold the curved knife still in its sheath between Your hands. i take a quick look, and ask where i should take position. On the bench, lying on my towel over the top. i trust You entirely, now that i've experienced the needles by Your hand, i feel totally open to this new experience.
The blade draws lightly over my back, i take pleasure in its sensation, alert to Your movements, the drawing that You're making on my skin. i can sense Your pleasure too, as You draw the blade on the canvas of my skin: on my ass, at the crux of my sacrum, up my spine ... long marks, or small scratches, curves & lines...
The point of the knife presses with insistence into my flesh, the fat on my back. i wonder if these points have made dots of blood.
You draw the knife with more pressure, building the intensity.
The metallic sound as the blade curves into my skin (flesh), the epidermis.
All of my senses are alive, and yet i'm entranced by the drawing of the knife, all the sensations... Over the nape of my neck, with insistence, and then cutting lines into my ass. The metallic sound as the blade curves into my skin.
Desiring a more permanent mark !
i'm dizzy when i arise, i notice my excited wetness. Your eyes are shining, sparkling, and Your radiant smile is satisfied. i really loved the sensation, and i belong to You.
Very courageous and trusting.
doll, it's thanks to my lovely Domina, in whom I have complete trust.
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