Sunday, May 22, 2011

Evolution n° 10

A year ago, I wrote in Evolution n° 9 :

" This new sensation of calm after my sessions with Charlotte has lead me to a new understanding (finally !)
Could it be that I finally separate my BDSM from my love life, as it was suggested in the beginning ?
Or will I still desire a certain "ideal" of a couple...
Time out now to enjoy this new simplicity of being, to be calm, my masochism thus expressed.
I know that this evolution will continue, under the whip of Miss Charlotte, and that we will go further & further in this evolution, as her personal style is revealed. "

A year later, I can affirm that this has been true, it's now a reality, undeniably so.
I have been true to Her, evolving in Her vision of our D/s relationship. No man has touched me in any way since then. And the "ideal" of a BDSM couple has long since been abandoned, in favor of this exquisitely rich one.
I must say that this relationship has taken most of my focus, and my sex life has been on hold. I suppose that I don't really want to be bothered by a man right now.
Time will tell if a lover will cross my path, at a time when I feel more available.

I do thank every man who dominated me, whether in a D/s relationship or as a play partner. Each one taught me something new on this path,changing me in ways that ultimately led to Miss Charlotte.
It just takes meeting the right person. If a fortune-teller had described my life as it is now, I don't think I would have believed it !!

My place is to obey Miss Charlotte, and to follow Her in Her vision.

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